Friday, July 17, 2009

Tips to make daily things go well

Daily things can be planned in such a way that at the end of the day, you need not to feel that nothing has been completed. To increase your productivity, a simple technique can be used. It’s so simple just list down all the things you need to work on that day.

Spend at least 10 -15 minutes each day to plan your activities for the next day and prepare a daily chart. Start the day with that. It would be more useful if you write your task. You can either use paper to list it down or you can prefer the computer. Work on both and find out which one best suit you.

Listing the job does not mean that you will be able to complete them all in a proper way. Reviewing the list and giving priority for each job will help you the most. The jobs that get to close too your goals can be given the higher priority.

You can give your jobs the “ABC” rating. Rate the job that needs to be done on that day as “A”. The less urgent job can be rated as “B” and so on.

When an unplanned job gets in your way, first plan that job in your list and then continue your job proceedings. Also break the more complex job into smaller ones and concentrate on one at a time.

Finally when you complete the jobs look at the result and feel the fulfillment of the development.


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